Both male and Female judges have been intructed by the senoir male judges from back in the 60's and 70's when all judges were just men. Well today all judges have been instructed by the crooked old male/men judges to be beat up on men in Court in the context of Divorce just because the mother of the mariage wants to just alienate their child(s) father to them. They want their children to hate their fathers;not because it's unsafe for the child, but just because the mother wants it and because all of todays judges are intructed to act as Sexist Chivalrist...
To View the photo to the left of who was young Allen Wachowich when he was in grade 12 (Click here for photo enlargement). He is shares Royal Blood and he is retired Chief Justice Allen Wachowich. In this photo he is standing between my father and my Uncle. He had a bully reputation to pick on smaller kids like the grade 10ers when he was in grade 12. His tactics where to get the attention of females, was to beat up on the boy friend. Hence the term "Sextist-Chivalrists". which by diffinition is males who beat up on other males to get the attention of females. Today all judges have been trained by the senior Judges. Todays Younger male and female judges are trained by old "sexist femanist" judges like Allen Wachowich, and I suspect to only share Royal Lineage. The former Alberta Dean of Law, Frank Jones shares Royal lineage is sexistist chivalist just like his buddy Allen Wachowich. My Father Edward P, Achtem had Frank Jones FIRED for telling a lie under Oath in Court as a witness because The Edmonton Police caught him with a hooker, and is a well known fact that this is why Frank Jones was fired, becauce The Factulty of Law of U of A did not want his hooker house image on Campus. Allen Wachowich and Frank Jones's are buddies, which is potencially why we lost one our family members Kayla Achtem 7 years old to Rhonda and Virgil Sails, and of course Rhonda Sails (Fleck) is an obsessed parental alienator that has endevoured to Keep all of Kayla Achtem's paternal family out of her life. Virgil Sails is her co-parental Alienator. Frank Jones the old Dean of Law of the U of A belongs in jail for Purgery. Allen Wachowich, Elizabeth Hughes, Bonnie Rawlins, Karen Horner and Dallas Miller are crooked corrupt Judges that should be kicked off of Queen's Bench. Dallas Miller is not a nice man like the judge he replaced Justice Hembroff. Justice Hembroff was in noway shape or form a corrupt Judge, he was a great honest judge that never deprived anyone justice... Carol Conrand, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park fabricated a fictional Judgment.
I grew up knowing so many Lawyer and Judges, and did get to know many old judges like old Man judge Burns, at the Burns dinner table with my brothers watching him bashing arround his kids. Then his alway had always calls him "Sir" with the correct tone and tempo. Or ELSE they get slapped!
My main objective is to keep motivating Queen Justice the Black Widow to keep spinng her web on the net, as I look for multiple Kangarooish cases to dysect. From judgments stemming down to the same trial judge Kangaroo Horner who Kangar-ruded me. Make them AirTight like my case. Because I do not want to only get 1 father case my case Stamped at Federal Court. The are many judges feel or sometimes may feel it their job to Kangaroos to deprive Father of justice. The fathers in high-conflict cases where they are struggling to remain in each others life. Sometime they are blocked of there rights to even fight in court, thus being stripped of the Freedom and Rights and the Charter. I will do this because I know Karen Horner. I know she did not work for Canadians. She has someother agenda I don't know. But one thing for certain is a I know she is a Kangaroo, and I know when I do my cold calling, I suspect they may feel like Santa just Suddenly Dropped in. But My has must be totally spun out as web fibers as Queen Justice's Web to catch the crooks... So I can make a power presentation to compel companies have been imposed a Horner kangar-ruded Judgment. I know Horner, and I have heard enough read some judgements of her' her that have went to appeal. And when reading the appeals judgment that when the Theme from Star Trek start to pay in my head. I have senced that something else may have been kangarr-ruded too. Now I must explore the new potencial opportunities...
Judges, prosecutors, and others who work in the public Sector, Because they are Heros that I have the most utter respect for. I continue to respect all the Non-corrupted one's. They have earned too much respected to have bloggers writing to attack them. Please see my Super hero blog when you have the chance. This is for true stories about True Heros I respect. So any public officers reading this please earn my respect, do not be crooked. Do not be a Benedict Arnold. If you have my respect, then i give my most utter respect (period). I will honour you like there is no tomorrow...
As for Mr. Wachowich for what I heard about his past. I do know what is more horrible. Camparing from what my parents, and many of my family members have said, I do not know what's more horrible? For example when Kelly Fagan from grade 12 at LSL High-School in Edmonton was bragging to the whole school about he pissed in Smitty's pan cake batter. Then how he described feeding pissy pancakes to the patrions, and watching him and the 2 eye witnesses who saw him do it get up and cackle so many times on so many infront of so many in school hallways, parties and many other places. Seeing him make people laugh and get off on his offensive Act was a sick conversation peice. 2 eye witnesses to this offence. One is Shaun Jennaine, and an other one was diseased Slater Zelestsky who later played football briefly for the Edmonton Eskimos. It is known that Slater committed suicide. I feel it may have been murder, because of characters he was hanging around with and facts I know, but don't know the whole picture. Just some supicous things I know about the people he was hanging around with. Byut cannot say anything about it based on gut feeling. It will have to be someone who comes forward with new evidence or a witness or something else. However to me this is an unsolved case.
Then later in life a former High School friend Dave Collin said to me that Kelly Fagan was working at the Edmonton Reman as a Prison Guard. Hearing this sent a chill down my spine and the hair on the back of my neckn stood up. I feel it was because I saw a movie called "The Green Mile". Many remember what the nasty prison guard did to an innocent man who was innocent, and excutesd without due course. He was murdered by the State because he was black.
The male/men Judges that our more inclined to be the "Sexist Chivalists". And the female/women judges are just doing what there superior's have instructed them to do just like anyone that gets a jobs. The lady judges do as instructed by the Boss. In the case of Judges in Alberta. Chief Justice Allen Wachowich was the Boss... However those lady judges that step over the boudaries of common law doctrinal, law and the Rules and Court are criminals too. An example should be finally set that crooked judges go to jail, and that doesn't matter if the they're male or female judges... And no more estended family to the Royal either.
Many of them were educated trained by Frank Jones, Former Dean of Law at The U of A, that creep of a lawyer that hired postitutes... Here's a lawyer that is a Law Proffessor at York U, James C. Morton. Please have a look at what he posted about me and My case on the internet by clicking (here). James, I was never a lawyer, my father was a lawyer and you don't know the whole picture. Pleave view his e-mail reponse to me as well by clicking (here).
You wanna know something James? You have posted wrong information about my case the Court of Appeals Judgment was based on fiction that if anyone was to dysect the 3 panel judgment in which you admitted to and you responded to me and said you removed the wrong information about me you have posted on the internet. Since you still have information posted I will never subit a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada after my application in Federal Court is Done. However I am Curious as to know what made you think I was a lawyer? What may have missled you to believe that? Mr. Morton is a zionist law partner of a Zionist law firm.

To View the photo to the left of who was young Allen Wachowich when he was in grade 12 (Click here for photo enlargement). He is shares Royal Blood and he is retired Chief Justice Allen Wachowich. In this photo he is standing between my father and my Uncle. He had a bully reputation to pick on smaller kids like the grade 10ers when he was in grade 12. His tactics where to get the attention of females, was to beat up on the boy friend. Hence the term "Sextist-Chivalrists". which by diffinition is males who beat up on other males to get the attention of females. Today all judges have been trained by the senior Judges. Todays Younger male and female judges are trained by old "sexist femanist" judges like Allen Wachowich, and I suspect to only share Royal Lineage. The former Alberta Dean of Law, Frank Jones shares Royal lineage is sexistist chivalist just like his buddy Allen Wachowich. My Father Edward P, Achtem had Frank Jones FIRED for telling a lie under Oath in Court as a witness because The Edmonton Police caught him with a hooker, and is a well known fact that this is why Frank Jones was fired, becauce The Factulty of Law of U of A did not want his hooker house image on Campus. Allen Wachowich and Frank Jones's are buddies, which is potencially why we lost one our family members Kayla Achtem 7 years old to Rhonda and Virgil Sails, and of course Rhonda Sails (Fleck) is an obsessed parental alienator that has endevoured to Keep all of Kayla Achtem's paternal family out of her life. Virgil Sails is her co-parental Alienator. Frank Jones the old Dean of Law of the U of A belongs in jail for Purgery. Allen Wachowich, Elizabeth Hughes, Bonnie Rawlins, Karen Horner and Dallas Miller are crooked corrupt Judges that should be kicked off of Queen's Bench. Dallas Miller is not a nice man like the judge he replaced Justice Hembroff. Justice Hembroff was in noway shape or form a corrupt Judge, he was a great honest judge that never deprived anyone justice... Carol Conrand, Peter Martin, and Alexander Park fabricated a fictional Judgment.
I grew up knowing so many Lawyer and Judges, and did get to know many old judges like old Man judge Burns, at the Burns dinner table with my brothers watching him bashing arround his kids. Then his alway had always calls him "Sir" with the correct tone and tempo. Or ELSE they get slapped!
My main objective is to keep motivating Queen Justice the Black Widow to keep spinng her web on the net, as I look for multiple Kangarooish cases to dysect. From judgments stemming down to the same trial judge Kangaroo Horner who Kangar-ruded me. Make them AirTight like my case. Because I do not want to only get 1 father case my case Stamped at Federal Court. The are many judges feel or sometimes may feel it their job to Kangaroos to deprive Father of justice. The fathers in high-conflict cases where they are struggling to remain in each others life. Sometime they are blocked of there rights to even fight in court, thus being stripped of the Freedom and Rights and the Charter. I will do this because I know Karen Horner. I know she did not work for Canadians. She has someother agenda I don't know. But one thing for certain is a I know she is a Kangaroo, and I know when I do my cold calling, I suspect they may feel like Santa just Suddenly Dropped in. But My has must be totally spun out as web fibers as Queen Justice's Web to catch the crooks... So I can make a power presentation to compel companies have been imposed a Horner kangar-ruded Judgment. I know Horner, and I have heard enough read some judgements of her' her that have went to appeal. And when reading the appeals judgment that when the Theme from Star Trek start to pay in my head. I have senced that something else may have been kangarr-ruded too. Now I must explore the new potencial opportunities...
Judges, prosecutors, and others who work in the public Sector, Because they are Heros that I have the most utter respect for. I continue to respect all the Non-corrupted one's. They have earned too much respected to have bloggers writing to attack them. Please see my Super hero blog when you have the chance. This is for true stories about True Heros I respect. So any public officers reading this please earn my respect, do not be crooked. Do not be a Benedict Arnold. If you have my respect, then i give my most utter respect (period). I will honour you like there is no tomorrow...
As for Mr. Wachowich for what I heard about his past. I do know what is more horrible. Camparing from what my parents, and many of my family members have said, I do not know what's more horrible? For example when Kelly Fagan from grade 12 at LSL High-School in Edmonton was bragging to the whole school about he pissed in Smitty's pan cake batter. Then how he described feeding pissy pancakes to the patrions, and watching him and the 2 eye witnesses who saw him do it get up and cackle so many times on so many infront of so many in school hallways, parties and many other places. Seeing him make people laugh and get off on his offensive Act was a sick conversation peice. 2 eye witnesses to this offence. One is Shaun Jennaine, and an other one was diseased Slater Zelestsky who later played football briefly for the Edmonton Eskimos. It is known that Slater committed suicide. I feel it may have been murder, because of characters he was hanging around with and facts I know, but don't know the whole picture. Just some supicous things I know about the people he was hanging around with. Byut cannot say anything about it based on gut feeling. It will have to be someone who comes forward with new evidence or a witness or something else. However to me this is an unsolved case.
Then later in life a former High School friend Dave Collin said to me that Kelly Fagan was working at the Edmonton Reman as a Prison Guard. Hearing this sent a chill down my spine and the hair on the back of my neckn stood up. I feel it was because I saw a movie called "The Green Mile". Many remember what the nasty prison guard did to an innocent man who was innocent, and excutesd without due course. He was murdered by the State because he was black.
The male/men Judges that our more inclined to be the "Sexist Chivalists". And the female/women judges are just doing what there superior's have instructed them to do just like anyone that gets a jobs. The lady judges do as instructed by the Boss. In the case of Judges in Alberta. Chief Justice Allen Wachowich was the Boss... However those lady judges that step over the boudaries of common law doctrinal, law and the Rules and Court are criminals too. An example should be finally set that crooked judges go to jail, and that doesn't matter if the they're male or female judges... And no more estended family to the Royal either.
Many of them were educated trained by Frank Jones, Former Dean of Law at The U of A, that creep of a lawyer that hired postitutes... Here's a lawyer that is a Law Proffessor at York U, James C. Morton. Please have a look at what he posted about me and My case on the internet by clicking (here). James, I was never a lawyer, my father was a lawyer and you don't know the whole picture. Pleave view his e-mail reponse to me as well by clicking (here).
You wanna know something James? You have posted wrong information about my case the Court of Appeals Judgment was based on fiction that if anyone was to dysect the 3 panel judgment in which you admitted to and you responded to me and said you removed the wrong information about me you have posted on the internet. Since you still have information posted I will never subit a complaint to the Law Society of Upper Canada after my application in Federal Court is Done. However I am Curious as to know what made you think I was a lawyer? What may have missled you to believe that? Mr. Morton is a zionist law partner of a Zionist law firm.
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